Plants That Start With K

Last Updated on December 14, 2022 by Derek

There are a huge variety of different plants out there, and these plants can all be categorized into different groups, based on certain characteristics – so what about the plants that share the letter ‘K’ at the beginning of their name?

List of plants beginning with K

Here is a list of all the plants that start with K featured in this article:

  1. Kangaroo Paw
  2. Kniphofia
  3. Kaffir Lily
  4. Kiwi Plant
  5. King’s Mantle
  6. Keli Flower
  7. Kolkwitzia Amabilis
  8. Knautia Arvensis
  9. Kobus Magnolia

If you were looking for plants that begin with ‘K’, you’re in luck – because we’ve found some of the most common plants beginning with the letter ‘K’, along with a little information on each of them. 

Carry on reading for some interesting information on some of the most common plants, beginning with the letter ‘K’. 

Kangaroo Paw

Kangaroo paw

The first plant on our list is the Kangaroo Paw plant. Kangaroo Paws will flower to resemble the shape of an animal’s paw – hence the name, ‘Kangaroo Paw’.

These plants, native to Australia, are tubular, and come in a range of colors – pink, purple, yellow, red, and orange – and are covered in trichomes (these are like small hairs).

Kangaroo paw plants will thrive in a low-humidity environment, and, as a result, they require a light watering around once a month, or every four weeks.

Kangaroo Paw plants don’t just look cool, however – research has shown that the spores from a Kangaroo Paw plant may increase collagen production – this means that these plants could also be good for skin care.



Aptly given the alternative title, ‘Red Hot Pokers’, this brightly colored plant comes from Africa. A Kniphofia plant flowers with a unique cone shape, red at the tip and yellow at the bottom.

Kniphofia plants will grow in patches of narrow leaves, which can resemble grass. Kniphofias can grow up to six feet tall!

Kniphofia plants do well in full sunlight. They prefer soil that is well-drained, especially in the winter – if the soil is too wet, this can lead to diseases such as root rot that will need to be treated.

Top watering them about one inch around once a week in hot months, and then less in colder months will keep them hydrated – although you should check the soil before watering to make sure that it is not too wet. 

Kaffir Lily

Kaffir Lily

Kaffir Lilys are small flowers from South Africa that come in a range of bright colors – they can be red, orange, peach, and yellow, as well as a nice, simple white.

These flowers have broad, evergreen leaves, and can often be found around riverbanks, or the edges of cliffs. They can be kept inside or outside, and they grow up to eighteen inches tall. It often takes somewhere between two and three years for them to bloom for the first time. 

Kaffir Lilys thrive in humid environments in the summertime, although they prefer their environments to be dry in the winter.

You should water Kaffir Lily’s around once a week in the summer – but in winter it’s important to allow the soil to become dry in between each watering, which can take around two months. 

Kiwi Plant

Kiwi Plant

The kiwi fruit comes from China – and, of course, so does the plant that produces it – although, this doesn’t happen until after they come into bloom for the first time, which can take around three years (if not even longer). 

The Kiwi plant is a woody vine and can be found growing on large, strong structures such as a fence, growing up to twenty feet tall. The Kiwi plant produces white flowers which, once pollinated, transform into fruit. 

This plant thrives when given access to plenty of sunlight, in a warm to mild temperature environment. 

This plant requires watering at least four times a week, in order to make sure that the soil is kept moist, preventing it from drying up or the plant from becoming dehydrated as a result.  

King’s Mantle

King’s Mantle Plant

The King’s Mantle, also known as the Thunbergia erecta, or Bush Clock Vine, is a species of climbing plant from Western Africa. This beautiful plant has a purple, almost horn-shaped flower with a yellow center, and the plant can grow up to six feet tall.

This plant prefers more tropical conditions and does well in either the sun or in a partly shady area. Throughout their first growing season, King’s Mantle plants should be watered weekly – and when it’s warmer, ensuring to soak the ground once instead of little and often is much better for this plant.

You should keep an eye on a King’s Mantle plant in order to make sure that it is receiving enough water, however – any wilting, or the top three inches of the soil it is in being dry, are both signs that the King’s Mantle plant needs a drink. 

Keli Flower

Keli Flower

Keli flowers, also known as Canna Lilys, are native to South America. These flowers can be yellow, pink, orange, or red, with tall stalks reaching anywhere from three to six feet in height.

Kelli flowers are kept healthy when kept in full sunlight, as shade will stop them from blooming. They prefer regular waterings, either every other day in the summertime or once a week in the winter, and like to be kept in warmer climates with plenty of heat.

Kolkwitzia Amabilis

Kolkwitzia Amabilis

Also referred to as a ‘Beauty Bush’ in England, the Kolkwitzia Amabilis is a shrub native to China, adorned with beautiful, small, light pink to violet-colored flowers. This shrub can grow up to ten feet high (and wide) when it reaches maturity. 

Knautia Arvensis

Knautia Arvensis

The Knautia Arvensis is a lilac wildflower, similar to a dandelion in appearance, and growing anywhere from ten to forty inches tall on average. True to its status as a wildflower, it can be found wild across Europe. This flower prefers to be kept in full sunlight, in moderately fertile soil. 

The Knautia Arvensis requires light watering, around once or twice a week, depending on whether the soil is dry or not. Make sure to ensure that you aren’t watering this flower in huge amounts, as too much water could lead to root rot. 

Kobus Magnolia

Kobus Magnolia

The Kobus Magnolia is a small flowering tree, that can grow up to 50 feet tall, adorned with beautiful little white flowers. This tree is native to both Japan and Korea and prefers to be kept in either sunny or slightly shady conditions. 

This tree needs to be planted in a sheltered location in order to have the best chance to thrive, to give it a little protection.

The Kobus Magnolia is able to survive drought, and although cold weather is preferably avoided as it can cause some damage to the Kobus Magnolia’s flower buds, but cold conditions shouldn’t cause any lasting damage that the tree won’t recover from with a little time.

This tree should receive water once a week for the first two growing seasons, then twice a month afterward. The type of soil the tree is planted in will affect the regularity and amount in which this tree should receive water. 

Houseplants that start with K

  1. Kalimeris
  2. Korean Evodia
  3. Kudzu
  4. Kiwi Knautia
  5. Kalmia
  6. Kalanchoe
  7. Koelreuteria
  8. Katsura Tree
  9. Knotweed
  10. Kohlrabi

Shrubs beginning with K

  1. Katsura Tree
  2. Kalanchoe
  3. Kalimeris
  4. Kalmia
  5. Knautia
  6. Kale And Collards
  7. Kentucky Coffee Tree
  8. Kiwi

Perennials that start with K

  1. Kerria (Kerria japonica)
  2. Knautia (Knautia macedonica)
  3. Kunzea
  4. Kaffir lily (Clivia miniata)
  5. King’s spear (Asphodeline lutea)

Beautiful flowers that start with K

  1. Kniphofia
  2. Keli Flower
  3. Kyushu Meadow Rue
  4. Kolkwitzia
  5. King’s Mantle
  6. Kobus Magnolia
  7. Kalanchoe
  8. Kalmia
  9. Kangaroo Paw
  10. Knautia Arvensis
  11. Knautia Macedonica
  12. Kiwi Flowers
  13. Kaffir Lily
  14. King Protea

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Take Care of a Kangaroo Paw Plant?

Kangaroo paw plants are fantastic, but they aren’t easy to care for. As a result of this, we would recommend that you carry out a good amount of research before deciding to grow this plant.

When it comes to kangaroo paw plants, they need full sun. As a result, you don’t want to plant them anywhere that is in the shade. This will stunt their growth.

Unlike many other plants, kangaroo paw plants are able to withstand warmer temperatures. So while they do need extra care, you don’t have to worry about any issues with the sun during summer and in warmer climates.

How Long Does it Take for a Kiwi Plant to Produce Fruit?

The time it takes for a kiwi plant to produce fruit can vary depending on the age of the kiwi plant. However, on average, it takes around a handful of years for the kiwi fruit to grow. This is why patience is required with this type of plant.

However, once the plant has produced its first yield of fruit, this will increase over the years. This is a positive thing as it means you will be able to harvest more kiwi fruit as the time increases.

How Do You Plant Magnolia Kobus?

Magnolia Kobus is super easy to plant and grow. However, you will need to ensure that it has the correct conditions in order to do so.

To begin with, you will need to ensure that you are planting magnolia Kobus in soil that is rich. This will help to ensure that it can grow in the best conditions. The soil must be moist, without being too wet or too dry – a healthy middle is ideal.

When planting the Magnolia Kobus, you will want to ensure that the location is fairly sheltered. This will help to ensure the plant doesn’t become damaged as it’s growing. High winds can affect this plant, and as a result, it needs to be sheltered from this.

In addition to this, you will need to avoid southern exposures. These can cause the plant to flower and create buds too early. These can then be affected as they are growing, which is an issue as they can die prematurely.

Resources relating to Plants that start with K:

15 Flowers That Start With K (List of Flower Names K)

Plants that Start with K –

Flowers That Start With K (Including Pictures)

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